Running Start
Running Start Information
What is Running Start?
Running Start (RS) offers eligible juniors and seniors in local public high schools the opportunity to enroll in courses at Eastern Washington University (EWU), Spokane Community College (SCC), and Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC). The Running Start Program encourages academically motivated and qualified public high school students to earn high school and college credit simultaneously. Tuition credits are free, but students are responsible for all fees including books, supplies, school fees, and transportation.
Before I Apply:
Mandatory Parent/Student Meeting Presentation
Students and parent, please thoroughly review the following presentation to learn about expectations, responsibilities, and the application process.
Running Start Participation Agreement
This form should be thoroughly reviewed by both parent and student. Please return to your student's grade level counselor.
How Do I Apply?
- Attend the mandatory RS meeting that is offered in February of each school year to obtain and complete the required Running Start Agreement.
- Apply to the participating College/University of your choice (EWU, SCC, SFCC):
EWU Running Start Website
SCC Running Start Website
SFCC Running Start Website - Work with your grade-level counselor to complete the paperwork required by the chosen college/university.
When Should You Apply?
The application process can start in mid-February following the meeting with your counselor. The process needs to be completed by the last day of the current school year for RS enrollment in the following attendance year.
Additional Resources
Community Colleges of Spokane
CCS Equivalency Guide
Eastern Washington University
EWU Equivalency Guide