Junior Statesman of America(JSA)
Junior State of America is a nation-wide non-partisan organization of high school students and advisors who enjoy being civically involved. It is an “active community of students who are participating in our democracy and learning to lead through our unique programs” (jsa.org). Some activities in which our Ridgeline JSA participated include: Spokane County Commissioner Candidate Forum, voter registration drive, chapter board member elections, civil discourse around current issues in politics and government, WA State Temperance and Good Citizenship Day, Green Team club collaboration, and Civics Bowl TV competition game show with KSPS. JSA’s motto is “All views lead here,” and we would love to add more Falcons to our local chapter! Advisor: Brittney Bergman, Classroom: D-202
Brittney Bergman, NBCT
Civics & CWP Teacher
JSA Advisor