Two levies. Two purposes. One mission: kids. February 13: Replacement Education Levy & Capital Improvements Levy
The Survey Says... Our CVSD Parents Spoke & We Listened CVSD had local company Data Strategies conduct parent surveys in spring 2022. Here's what they said!
Fall Sports Registration Coming Soon Fall sports registrations on Final Forms will open on August 1st for Boys & Girls Cross Country, Football, Girls Soccer, Slow Pitch Softball, and Volleyball
Office Closure hours 16th and 17th RHS Office and Business Office will be closed8/16/22 11:00-3:008/17/22 7:00-1:30 Business Office closed 7:00-3:00
Senior Yearbook Portrait Informatnion Class of 2023 please make sure read the requirements for submitted photos. DEADLINE for submitted photos is OCTOBER 15th.